Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Close

Yogi wants to sit up SO BADLY.  He is done with lying around on his back and seems to prefer falling on his face to staring up at the fan  for long intervals.  The times they are a changing.  I'm guessing he will be sitting up on his own in the next few days.

In other news, my wife decided to start Domperidone.  Thanks for the information and guidance from those of you in the know.  It really helped us make the final decision.  So far, so good.  Between the new hospital-grade pump and the meds her production is definitely on the upswing.  We hope the trend continues over the next few weeks.

As for my current obsession - THE NAP - all I can say is that I'm sticking with it.  Each day we go through the motions whether or not they lead to actual napping.  Consistency and follow through is important in parenting, right?  To date, his longest nap stretch is 50 minutes and he averages about 90 minutes of total sleep over his three daily nap attempts.  I'm trying not to feel that this is woefully inadequate as it seems to be what we've got for now.  I know it's a waste of energy to get all wrapped up in what the experts say your child should be doing at any given time, but I'm not having much success with blocking out all of those lectures I gave about the crucial cognitive development that takes place when babies sleep.  At least he sleeps at night.


baby steps, right?

tee hee... i made a funny!

I would totally take sleeping at night over sleeping in the day! I am glad dp is working for you! After 6+ weeks I have just frozen my first 3 oz. of excess milk, so dp may be in my future when I go back to work....

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