Wednesday, December 9, 2009

THOSE People

I think we are on the "be particularly nice to those poor people" list at the RE's office.  We got hugs from everyone this AM from the receptionist to the accounts/$$ woman to the stenographer to the head nurse.  There was a lot of hugging.  A lot.

It also used to be the case that we had to walk downstairs to the lab after ultrasounds to wait in line with people from other offices for the blood draw.  This has taken anywhere from 5 minutes to 40 minutes each time.  Given how many blood draws we've had in the last few months, this has been a major time suck.  Well, today while my wife was waiting in the stirrups for the stenographer, another nurse popped in to do the blood draw while we were waiting.  Who knew THIS was possible?  She told us that their policy is to refer patients to the lab for blood work, but that she would be happy to draw for us when we're in and run it down to the lab.  Well look at that!??

All of this is kind and thoughtful and generally a good thing.  We have a great RE and the whole office is fabulous.  But..... this morning I couldn't stop myself from imagining that at some staff meeting, our names were moved to a secret/informal kid glove treatment list.  Some version of the critical case file.  I hate that.  But, maybe I'm just grumpy.


weird. you think youll bring it up next time?

It is weird, but I guess I can understand it. I'll probably make a joke about it the next time we're there. That seems like the best way. I appreciate the care bc I think it's genuine, but I have personal pissiness about being the object of what at least feels like pity. Not a fan.

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