Friday, July 23, 2010

The Ironing Board is Fired

Everyone in the know (our OB, my wife's Dad who was an OB and Dr. Google) all agree that it is quite likely that Bean has found a position in which she is likely to stay until she makes her way into the world.  That crazy kid.

The results of our Thursday scan indicate that the baby is head up and that head appears to be looking backwards and not forwards.  Again.... crazy kid.  Thirty four weeks is a tad early to call c-section, but there are a few reasons why we are trying to get comfortable with the idea that this labor may not go the way we had expected it would.

  • Bean has been in this position during each and every scan.  Apparently, babies are creatures of habit too.  If the kid likes this little spot, he's unlikely to move.

  • My wife's amniotic fluid is on the low-end of normal.  This means that Bean doesn't have the kind of loosey-goosey ute environment that could encourage movement.

We go back for the first pants-off visit in a week and a half.  At that time we'll discuss all of the possibilities in more detail.  In the meantime, we're trying to be receptive to this new possibility.

Ahhhh the bliss of the "you're not in control now and you only thought you were before" messages.  And the baby is not even here yet!


Yes it totally sucks when you're not in control. And it's hitting you nice and early, too. I've heard crazy stories where the baby turned at the last minute. I hope that happens to you, but if not, a healthy baby and healthy mom matter more than anything.

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