Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rockin the Fifth Percentile

Yesterday we saw Dr. Wonderful (I LOVE this man) for Yogi's first pediatrician appointment and he is looking great.  Here's the rundown:

At 12 days old, the Yogi is

  • 6 lbs, 5 ozs (5th percentile)

  • 20 inches long (40th percentile)

  • 13 inch head circumference (3rd percentile)

I officially have a tiny baby.  This is hugely entertaining to me as I come from a very tall family.  At 5'8", I am a runt.  I am fairly certain that no one in my family has ever been anywhere near the 5th percentile.  My wife is pretty tiny herself, so I guess it's time for me to get used to being the giant in the family.

He is up 3 oz (thanks T)  from his birth weight and in spite of some over-attachment to the nipple shield, he's a good eater.  Soon I hope to post more about the birth and our transition home.  Maybe after a nap.....


3 lbs from birth or 3 oz???? I didn't think he was *that* small at birth... am I nuts?

Hooray for the growing Yogi!

So cute! Those percentiles may change a lot in the first year, so don't sweat it. We always thought we'd have a tiny guy, and ours ended up being in the 75-85th height percentiles (and we're 5'1 and 5'2 yeesh)

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