Sunday, May 6, 2012

38 Weeks

and not a Monkey in sight.

I wish I had something more coherent to say, but that's all I've got.

Life is a waiting game at the moment.

Happily, no one told Yogi. He is carrying on in his delightfully Yogi way and keeping us tethered to the moment. As Monkey preoccupied as we both are we are still managing to treasure these last days as a family of three. There have strolls to the neighborhood ice cream parlor (see picture below), dinner picnics in the backyard, naked baby revelry with the sprinkler, and lots of snuggling.



Yogi looks so big! I had trouble waiting too since hp was a 37 weeker

Y'know, the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks... ;)

Hang in there and try to keep busy, especially with more naked baby sprinkler time!

I love that photo of Yogi. I had that particular problem with ice cream until I was almost in middle school. It is so hard to act with restraint around ice cream and it makes me smile every time I see a kiddo with an ice cream goatee.


You're so close! There is a Monkey in your very near future!

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